Purity Oath , is an oath taken by or made by an individual to GOD, usually, children, teenagers, young adults, that are unmarried, to preserve glorious destiny of the younger generation from destruction by them abstaining from sex and sexual sins and not defile their marriage beds or have sex until their wedding day. 2 Corinthians 6: 14-18

In July 2021, the Visioner of Purity Oath was in deep sleep when the Lord said the following words to her. “ I want to Preserve the glorious destiny of the younger generation from total destruction through sexual sins by them taking a Purity Oath daily with me and I will honor it. Place it before them and let them declare it daily and as it enters into their eye window and come out of their mouth window,soon it will enter into their heart window and they will not move away from it. She got up from her sleep and began to work on Purity Oath.


The vision of Purity Oath is to preserve the marriage beds of children, teenagers, youths from sexual defilement and to remain pure until their wedding day in honor of God.

Mission to Preserve the glorious destiny of the younger generation from total destruction through sexual sins by them taking a Purity Oath daily with God and God will honor it.

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